Friday Tip: Removing formatting in programs that don't have "remove formatting" functions

It’s easy to remove formatting from selected text in a Word document — “Control Space”, but what do you do in programs that don’t have this function?

There’s not a keyboard shortcut for removing formatting in Google documents, but here’s a two-step way to get the job done. You can copy the text to one of the UC Clipboard files, which will save it as .txt, then paste the plain text from that file.

Here’s the sequence:

Removing formatting from selected text in a Google document
Copy to 1 File
1 File Paste

You can speed things up by selecting text and copying to a UC clipboard file in one step. Here are a couple of examples:

Selecting text and removing its formatting in a Google document
Line Copy to 1 File
1 File Paste


2 Graphs · Copy to 1 File
1 File Paste

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